Succession Planning for Small/Family Businesses and Retirement, Sunsets & Dreams

Succession Planning for Small/Family Business, Bradley Minor, CPA/ABV/CFF, ASA, CVA, CMEA, CM&AA and Thomas P. Wagner, CPA/ABV, CVA, Blue & Co., LLC
This session will inform participants about various aspects of valuation in estate and gift tax settings. Revenue ruling 59-60, courts cases and various valuation treatises will be utilized to teach how business valuations are developed and utilized for estate and gift tax planning as well as determining the proper amounts necessary for insurance purposes. Buy/sell agreements and transitioning the business from current to future owners will also be covered.
Retirement, Sunsets & Dreams, Jeff Curtis, CPA, (CDM) and Gary Lents, CPA, The Watermark Group.
- Retirement: The recently enacted Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act made some big changes to retirement savings landscape. We’ll touch on the highpoints of the Act.
- Sunsets: Several income, gift and estate provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are scheduled to “sunset” after tax year 2025. We’ll revisit the key provisions set to expire and the anticipated ramification on individual income and estate tax situations.
- Dreams: We’ll introduce the “Dream Manager” concept, which is a program used at Watermark to inspire and encourage staff, clients and friends of the firm to be more deliberate about the discovery, pursuit and realization of those things that matter most to them, will be introduced. What matters most to you, personally, and to your clients and are those things factored into your and your client’s plans?
This will be a 2 hour seminar that should qualify for 2.0 hours CE. A light lunch is served at noon with the seminar beginning at 12:30 pm and continuing until 2:30 pm.